I’m back in the land of salt. Our apartment in Portugal stares out at the ocean as well as the salt pans. Portuguese flor de sal (fleur de sel in French) means “flower of salt,” which rises to the pan’s surface forming a crust.
Salt cultivation in the Algarve has existed since ancient times
Of course, even without the crust, the salt is divine! Just ask our retreat participants, who experienced the salt soak (and mud) of Salino, an outdoor spa near the border of Spain. Deets for the upcoming 2023 retreat below.
Portugal retreat 2023:
May 27 – June 3
More salt history in our Seasons and Chakras yoga meditation this Friday. We are now in the season of the first chakra = FOUNDATION – RED – EARTH.
Teaching from Portugal on Zoom. Click here for full schedule.
Here are your February incentives:
Portugal retreat May/June – Sign up by Valentine’s Day and get $200 off.❤️ Invite a friend and double the fun (and save by sharing a room).
Open house this Friday – Come to class FREE (first time participants) or regulars bring a friend and you both come FREE!
What have YOU be up to? For me, the usual – teaching, singing, dancing, scheming….
Eve sings festive tunes with Hajime Yoshida trio in NYC
While you enjoy those sugar plum fairies, I want to plant a seed:
How about Portugal in 2023?
Coast of southern Portugal
I am close to nailing down dates for retreats in late spring/early summer/fall. You still have time to send me your druthers – maybe the perfect time for You will be the perfect time for All! 🤞
“Even weeks after being home, friends commented that I seemed ‘really refreshed.’ That’s a testament to you and our fabulous trip to Portugal!”
Sharon, retreat guest
Happy holidays wherever you may be! Here’s to many new adventures in 2023.
Did you know Portugal ranks #4 on the Global Peace Index? 🌍 Not a surprise for me – I feel a genuine sense of peace every time I visit.
I am pleased to announce we have booked Pousada Convento Tavira for our Renew, Relax, Retreat. This 4-star hotel is in a restored 16th-century monastery. The courtyard is so peaceful and beautiful, as are the grounds overlooking the castle and city.
Pousada Convento Tavira: We will do yoga here
It’s so easy to do a walking meditation in this town. Bright sun, brightly-painted ancient buildings. Many historic structures are now museums. I love wandering in and often have the place to myself.
I walked in to find someone playing beautiful music on a grand piano
Hidden treasures abound in the Algarve. I have posted a series of short videos – click button below to be transported to peaceful Portugal. 🙏
The video is now live! How exciting to be a part of this project. I was invited to help create a yoga meditation video with the U.S. Department of the Interior Museum, celebrating the 150th anniversary of Thomas Moran’s iconic 1872 painting, The Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone.
I traveled to DC to record the meditation in front of the painting. The video is now available for all to see for FREE. Take a 22-minute journey with the sights of Yellowstone, both in the painting and present-day footage. This gorgeous terrain will inspire you.
We flow like the river snaking through the canyon. We connect to energy and the elements – using movement, sound, and visualization with the breath.
Who wants to come to southern Portugal? Jump to the bottom of this post if you can’t wait. 😘
Spring has sprung and I’m eager to burst forth. I don’t know about you, but I’ve felt cocooned for a long time now. Lately I’m feeling grateful to be asked to step up and step out.
Next week I’ll perform a few songs in celebration of the 10th anniversary of the cross-country tour with 13 songs and 13 paintings – my first solo album, Peace or Drama – benefitting PeaceTones charity.
And soon I’m expecting the release of a very exciting project: a yoga meditation with the U.S. Department of the Interior Museum for the 150th anniversary of The Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone. Here’s a peek of me filming the video in front of the painting.
Speaking of anniversaries, 5 years ago this week I released my second solo album, Atmospheric Epic. CD sales have waned quite a bit – if you are one of the lucky few who still have and use a CD player, let me know and I will send you a copy! Otherwise I’m planning to ship these beauties out to an arts organization for repurposing.
Atmospheric Epic CDs as floor tiles
And speaking of spring cleaning, I’m letting go of old fears and polishing off some dreams. Two years ago – on the heels of our House Hunters International episode (aired March 7, 2020) – I was planning to host a week-long retreat in southern Portugal. Well it’s time to take the leap! Who’s in?
Eve in alcove, Algarve
There will be yoga, wine and song. And plenty of Portuguese seafood. A bona fide tour of the Algarve (southern coast) sprinkled with some gentle tune-ups to support body and mind.
Tentative date is July 16-23. Interested? Have questions? I’ll be sending out an invitation soon, but I’d love to know who has the itch to come!
I am writing on the last day of October, the time when it is said that the veil between our world and the underworld is thin. I have been seeing ghosts of late, and also feeling storms inside my body to match those in nature.
Last day in Lisbon – Eve strikes a pose
September in Lisbon: I made a video near the medieval ruins known as Convento do Carmo, a 14th-century convent destroyed by the great earthquake of 1755. There are many tombs inside the remaining structure. A place full of spirits.
Sacred remains at Convent Carmo
That late summer day, our last in Portugal, I set up a tiny tripod outside and made a recording with my phone. Five minutes of yoga poses as people floated by me like ghosts. Did they see me? Was I invisible? I felt like a secret.
A moment later I added the background track from my song, “Peace on Earth.” Making my voice invisible, I celebrated these beautiful musicians and their instruments. Let these souls shine, I said, and I’ll be the ghost floating by! 👻
The sun faded over the hills. In the darkness, I tripped on cobblestones while crossing the street. Back in NY, I soon realized my left foot was broken (5th metatarsal) – a déjà vu as I had fractured the same spot before.
I’ve been a medical boot for 6 weeks now. At night, my dream world is quite active – I’m leaping and scaling ancient walls through purple storms, my body in constant motion. By day, I move like a snail. 🐌
During the last full moon (2 weeks ago), I was in Boston seeing ghosts from my days as a student of Berklee College of Music. I discovered that my hotel was a block from where I broke my foot 17 years ago – I had tripped on a storm drain on my way to a bar called Lucky’s. 🍀
Scene of the crime, across from Lucky’s Lounge in Boston
Sometimes life is spooky. We have fault lines where we’re prone to break open time and again, places where the veil feels thin. Today I am Frankenstein in my big boot, full of agitation. But I am always thankful for the learning and growth that comes from life’s mysteries.
For now I’ll hold on to that moment of dappled sunlight in the ancient corner, loving the fluidity of movement as well as the solid ground beneath my feet.
Sometimes my heart is breaking when I think of “used to be.”
Our House Hunters International episode aired a year ago today
Sometimes I am breaking open with new awareness, like a daffodil bursting forth in spring.
It’s always B R E A K I N G N E W S on the tv screen.
So I am breaking free of what I know and what I see.
Instead of glamour shots in Portugal, I’ll settle for a decent hair day in the bathroom mirror. 😊
Filter – Edit – Next : Aura of Orange
Class Break
We will resume on March 15. Moving from RED to ORANGE for our Seasons and Chakras. View full class schedule here.
“We Want More” by Eve Fleishman
A Dream Divided in Portugal
In the meantime, might I suggest my pandemic pop song and our pre-pandemic House Hunters International show – still free On Demand – Season 143, Episode 6.
Glamour shot from 1986, posted with the caption, “What’s Eve Doing Now?” – an inside joke from my teenage years when my friends and I would come up with titles for my future rock star albums. I’ve always known I wanted to share music with the world.
How to do so has been more of a puzzle lately. Artists have lost a year of livelihood just like so many others. Maybe my imaginary album title is currently “I don’t know what I’m doing now.” Not very catchy, I suppose. 😬
Yesterday I heard that one of my music friends from Nashville had passed away. Back in 2006, John and I wrote a tongue-in-cheek country duet called “I Don’t Know You Well Enough to Miss You When You’re Gone.” We both worked at the Ryman Auditorium and got to perform the song there in February 2008. The Ryman staff was like family, and I developed many wonderful friendships from that time.
Every soul we meet makes a difference. John’s sharp wit, laughter and vivaciousness will always stay with me. I am grateful to have known him, especially at a time when I was new to Nashville and feeling vulnerable about my artistic expression.
I Only Cry at the Movies Now by Eve Fleishman
Here’s a video of us at the Ryman Auditorium, debuting my then-new song, “I Only Cry at the Movies Now,” with John supporting on lead guitar.
There is more music on the horizon, even if I am not yet sure of its shape or form. For now, I’m happy to serve with yoga. The new online schedule is every other day, Thurs – Mon. Would love to see you. Let’s create community together.
Now teaching online every other day, Thursday through Monday
Thursday: Chair Yoga for Strength and Balance Saturday: Seasons and Chakras Yoga Meditation Monday: Gentle Yoga on the Mat
All classes are offered as PAY WHAT YOU WANT Please pay prior to start time to have class link sent to your inbox – via Eve’s Venmo, PayPal or by credit card. Personal checks also accepted.
Eve donates a portion of proceeds to charities that promote equality and healing. This month’s charity is Feeding America.
Click here for more details, including class time in your particular time zone.
It’s January. Gosh, I haven’t thought of resolutions. I’m happy to be healthy and to find peace of mind wherever I can get it.
Last month, I contributed a new song and video for a makeshift band: “We Want More” is full of riotous color and familiar images of past and present, mostly of people in collective motion. We want more togetherness, don’t we?
“We Want More” by Eve Fleishman
Yesterday I visited the Museum of Modern Art and saw an exhibit about Félix Fénéon, a French art critic and collector who was influential in shaping modern art of the late 1800s – early 1900s.
A work by Henri Matisse, 1905
Neo-Impressionists believed that combining the vibrant colors of the rainbow would elicit an emotional response in their viewers and encourage them to strive for an equally harmonious society. Then and now, the rainbow stands as a symbol of hope and equality, a utopian vision for the future.
The Museum of Modern Art
Color theory wheel from 150 years ago
Since the current pandemic began, I have been devoting time to the study of wheels and colors and seasons. Somehow it does give me hope.
I never imagined I’d be teaching online, yet here I am. It works better than I thought it would. I resisted it for so long. But there is a voice inside me that says to continue on – make more Music, Art, Yoga.
Do you want more?
Chair yoga and yoga meditation classes resume this week on Zoom. I am also thinking about adding a yoga mat class. If you are interested in any of these, please drop me a line. If current class times don’t work for you, I’m open to changing the schedule. Let me know what you’d like to see. I also offer private Zoom sessions for yoga and voice.
Chair Yoga for Strength and Balance – resumes Tuesday 1/5
Seasons and Chakras yoga meditation – resumes Saturday 1/9
We are up to the 9th Chakra and the full rainbow 🌈
Click here for more info, including class time in your particular time zone.